Mood Disorder Treatment Houston
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What is Mood Disorder?
A mood disorder is a type of mental disorder in which your general emotional state of mood is inconsistent with your personal circumstances and interferes with daily functioning. These states of mood can range from periods of extreme sadness and hopelessness to periods of irrational happiness.

Types of Mood Disorders
Depression, also known as unipolar disorder, is a mental disorder characterized by prolonged periods of depressed mood lasting anywhere from weeks to years. Other common symptoms include low self-esteem, loss of interest in day-to-day activities, constant fatigue, fluctuations in appetite and sleep, and suicidal thoughts/attempts.
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder characterized by extreme mood swings between periods of extreme happiness and motivation (mania) and periods of extreme sadness and hopelessness (depression).
Mood Disorder Diagnosis in Houston
If you are struggling with a mood disorder, our providers here at Houston Mind and Brain can see you for a consultation and provide you with a diagnosis if necessary. They can then provide you with further guidance on ways to manage and treat your mood disorder through medications, lifestyle changes, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and psychotherapy.
Mood Disorder Treatment in Houston
At Houston Mind and Brain, we are happy to offer a wide variety of services to help patients who are struggling with a mood disorder. Our compassionate providers can help patients manage their mood disorder through medication management. In addition, we offer additional treatments for mood disorders including transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and psychotherapy through our clinic’s psychotherapist.
Houston Mood Disorder Psychiatrist
Dr. Raymond Cho is our psychiatrist here at Houston Mind and Brain. He has extensive experience seeing patients with mood disorders and a wide variety of other mental disorders. Having over 27 years of clinical research involving cognition, brain physiology, and neurostimulation for psychiatric disorders, he is one of the most capable mood disorder psychiatrists in Houston.

Frequently asked Questions about Mood Disorders
Although there is no “cure” for mood disorders, getting treatment for your mood disorder can drastically improve your quality of life and your ability to manage symptoms of mood disorders. Delaying treatment can worsen your mood disorder and make it more difficult to treat.
Mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder are highly heritable. Having an immediate family member with a mood disorder increases the risk of developing a mood disorder. However, both genetic and environmental factors play a role in the development of mood disorders.
The onset of mood disorders can occur at any point during someone’s lifetime. However, they most commonly begin during adolescence and young adulthood, though they can also have onset later in the lifespan and often co-occurring with cognitive impairments.
There are several risk factors that increase the possibility of being affected by a mood disorder. Those with a family history of mood disorders are more likely to experience a mood disorder throughout their lifespan due to both genetic and environmental factors. In addition, those who have experienced traumatic life events such as abuse are at a higher risk of being affected by a mood disorder.
Those with a family history of mood disorders are more likely to experience a mood disorder throughout their span due to a combination of both genetic and environmental factors. Furthermore, those who have experienced traumatic life events such as emotional or physical abuse are more likely to suffer from a mood disorder.
Although there are a wide range of mood disorders, all mood disorders result in an altered mood and emotional state that disrupt daily functioning.