Houston Mind and Brain offers cognitive assessments to objectively measure memory, reasoning, attention, and verbal ability- all cognitive abilities you need to function optimally in everyday life.

Cognitive Testing

In our daily life, we all have a general idea about how our brains are doing. Some days, we feel like we are focused, on point, and attentive. Other days, we feel like “off” or experience “brain fog.”

Houston Mind and Brain uses the leading platform for cognitive assessment, CBS Health, to run advanced and basic cognitive tests to measure brain health. Your healthcare provider will offer these tests to assess, monitor, and manage core areas of cognition to ensure that your mental health, TDCS or TMS treatment is on the right track.

Reasons to take Cognitive Test

The CBS Health tasks have been proven and validated by decades of scientific research, and are proven to measure, and are proven to measure the most important aspects of cognition.


Call us for a consultation today and ask about our Cambridge Health Science cognitive testing today!

Is This an IQ Test?

The cognitive tests are not IQ tests. The best physical equivalent would be if these cognitive tests were a blood pressure cuff for your brain performance. There is no judgement, and the goal is to steadily increase your scores over time. Brain health can change day to day so taking the long term approach just makes more sense. The cognitive tests measure your ability to memorize and identify patterns, verbal ability, attention to detail, attention span, and more. To try a free and brief demo of our online cognitive test, press hereAnd to view a sample  PDF of the Cambridge Brain Sciences Health Report, press  here. The report is designed as a suggestion to be easily read and understood.

We can help you

Let’s begin your path to wellness.

Our team at Houston Mind and Brain are warm, trained and looking forward to giving you the quality of care you deserve. We are staffed with professional nurse practitioners, TMS technicians, and more. If you are interested in getting on the path to wellness, call us today for a consultation.

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