Houston Depression Therapy

What is Depression?

Depression, also known as major depressive disorder, is a mental disorder characterized by prolonged periods of depressed mood lasting anywhere from weeks to years. Other common symptoms may include low self-esteem, loss of interest in day-to-day activities, constant fatigue, fluctuations in appetite and sleep, and suicidal thoughts and attempts.

Depression is a mental illness that many suffer from. It is estimated that 1 in 6 people will experience depression at some point in their life. Furthermore, it is estimated that 21 million U.S. adults suffered from a depressive episode in 2020. Fortunately, here at Houston Mind and Brain, we can diagnose and treat your depression.

Types of Depression Disorders

If you are interested in seeing if you may have symptoms of depression, please take our PHQ-9 quiz.

Depression testing in Houston

If you are struggling with depression, our providers here at Houston Mind and Brain can see you for a consultation and provide you with a diagnosis if necessary. They can then provide you with further guidance on ways to manage and treat your depression through medications, lifestyle changes, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), Spravato (intranasal esketamine), and psychotherapy.

Depression Treatment in Houston

At Houston Mind and Brain, we are happy to offer a wide variety of services to help patients who are struggling with depression. Our compassionate providers can help patients manage their depression through medication management. In addition, we offer additional treatments for depression including transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and Spravato (intranasal esketamine). We also offer psychotherapy through our clinic’s psychotherapist.  Psychotherapy can be very effective for mild to moderate depression.

Houston Depression Therapy

At Houston Mind and Brain, we are happy to offer depression therapy through our psychotherapist, Rita Kronfeld Loeb. Rita has experience in both inpatient and outpatient settings, including extensive training at the Menninger Clinic. She looks forward to helping people struggling with depression to develop a deeper understanding of who they are, identify areas of personal change and growth, and find deeper meaning in their lives.

Houston Depression Psychiatrist

Dr. Raymond Cho is our psychiatrist here at Houston Mind and Brain. He has extensive experience seeing patients with depression and a wide variety of other mental disorders. Having over 27 years of clinical research involving cognition, brain physiology, and neurostimulation for psychiatric disorders, he is one of the most capable depression psychiatrists in Houston.

Frequently asked Questions about Depression

Yes, children can be affected by depression. Current studies suggest that 1 to 3 percent of children are affected by depression before puberty. It is especially urgent for children experiencing depression to see a provider as soon as possible. If ignored, depression in children can interfere with the normal course of learning and development by negatively impacting education, relationships, and family life.

Depression and sleep are closely connected. It is extremely common for those with depression to also experience sleep issues whether it’s insomnia, hypersomnia, and/or obstructive sleep apnea. In fact, insomnia is reported in 75% of adult patients with depression. Depression and sleep issues are said to have a bidirectional relationship, in which depression can lead to sleep issues and sleep issues can lead to depression.

Women are almost two times more likely to experience depression than men. This discrepancy is a result of a variety of factors. Such factors include biological factors in women such as earlier puberty age, premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, postpartum depression, and menopause. However, social factors such as gender inequality, unequal power/status, work overload, and sexual/physical abuse also contribute to the higher rates of depression in women.

Unfortunately, Houston Mind and Brain does not accept Medicaid insurance.

No, most people with depression do not attempt suicide. It is estimated that the suicide risk for those with mental disorders such as depression, alcoholism, and schizophrenia is around 5%. That being said, around 60% of those who do attempt suicide have major depressive disorder.

Depression does not have a set timeline. It can last anywhere from weeks up to years. Both lifestyle factors and promptness in receiving treatment can affect the length of depressive episodes.

If you think you have seasonal depression, the best way to overcome it is to seek help. Our providers at Houston Mind and Brain can help you manage symptoms of seasonal depression. Other ways to manage seasonal depression include regular exercise, spending time outdoors when possible,  a healthy diet, consistent sleep schedule, and avoiding drugs and alcohol.

There are several risk factors that increase the possibility of being affected by depression. Those with a family history of depression are more likely to experience depression throughout their lifespan due to both genetic and environmental factors. In addition, those who have experienced traumatic life events are at a higher risk for depression.

Depression is a complex disease and, as such, has a variety of causes. Possible causes include abnormal mood regulation in the brain, genetic vulnerability, and traumatic life experiences. Most often, it is a combination of these causes that results in depression.

Although depression is most commonly known for its symptoms on mental health, depression can also lead to changes in physical health as well. Studies have shown that depression can cause blood vessels to constrict, which raises the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that those with depression are more likely to die following a heart attack. Other physical symptoms of depression can include weight fluctuations and a weakened immune system.

Depression can affect both brain volume and brain activity. Studies have shown that the size of specific brain regions can decrease in those who experience depression, though it is important to note that the shrinkage can be reversible. Such brain regions include the hippocampus, thalamus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, there have been studies showing a link between depression and inflammation in the brain. This inflammation can lead to brain shrinkage and a reduction in neuroplasticity, which can have negative effects on cognitive function.